Thousend times thanks!

To all the followers of the blog, to anyone who has been supportive of Frank or us in the last months and especially after his untimely death we want to say thanks from the bottom of our hearts. In the week after his passing we received so much warmth, stories, care and love, hardly describable. To us it was a very precious and valuable week and it was so good to have Frank at home where so many of his friends could visit him. And all the help, stories and info shared in that week led to a beautiful goodbye ceremony on a beautiful sunny autumn day. For those of you who could not attend, or those of you who wish to reread the funeral speeches, we publice them here (in dutch and english) with some pictures in grateful memory of, and tributed to Frank.We will miss him dearly, thanks for being with him and with us, one way or another,

On behalf of my family and his closest friends, Esther

Foto's Frank

dinsdag 24 mei 2011

The annexe to the great library is open for bussiness.

While Frank has a great library at home more and more is showing up in Kalorama. So much so that Frank is taking up an old habit again. Good friends can lend a book or a DVD and he has alway's something to show.

Yesterday it was to Louis, Frank telling to look at the shelfs for the two little green books, yes they are lend by Louis to Frank. But Frank wanted to play a game of 'Ace of Aces'. I believe Louis was shot down twice. Frank is getting too much practice. And then, have a look at the right, yeah that black book. You should read that! While the rest of the visitors were watching Rome, specialy recommended by Frank.

The annexe has a new collection, one of odd and weird cards such as A4 sized Munchkin cards. And the latest information (for locals), get a box of "warriors" at your local 'Blokker' (a Ducth version of walmart) for only 10 euro's. At least three visitors went out last saturday with the intention to fight for the last box available if that was needed to get one.

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Oopsie, I think I am guilty of a little bit of misinformation. It turns out that the offer was from Bart Smit and not Blokker. But the offer is good until the 5 of june (subject to chance without notice) so you can still go for it.
    And Esther, I hope you like the card you ordered, Angie embraced the challenge wholeheartedly. It took us all of 30 seconds to come up with the idea.


  2. Great card Matthieu and Angie, especially also the text on the back of the card, I know who to challenge! And it had exactly the anticipated effect, laughteer and support. Thx and keep up the good (creative) work,
