If you want to share words of comfort for each and everyone of you, affected by Frank's death, feel free to use this blog.
Thousend times thanks!
To all the followers of the blog, to anyone who has been supportive of Frank or us in the last months and especially after his untimely death we want to say thanks from the bottom of our hearts. In the week after his passing we received so much warmth, stories, care and love, hardly describable. To us it was a very precious and valuable week and it was so good to have Frank at home where so many of his friends could visit him. And all the help, stories and info shared in that week led to a beautiful goodbye ceremony on a beautiful sunny autumn day. For those of you who could not attend, or those of you who wish to reread the funeral speeches, we publice them here (in dutch and english) with some pictures in grateful memory of, and tributed to Frank.We will miss him dearly, thanks for being with him and with us, one way or another,
On behalf of my family and his closest friends, Esther
Foto's Frank
zaterdag 29 oktober 2011
vrijdag 28 oktober 2011
47 Air Despatch squadron in english
Speech by
Major Colin Munce RLC
Officer Commanding 47 Air Despatch Squadron RLC
Family and friends of Frank Van Den Bergh, ladies and gentlemen. It is my great honour to be here today to represent 47 Air Despatch Squadron, the Air Despatch Association and Air Despatchers throughout the world. I am eternally grateful to the family of Frank and to Frans Amerlaan for your outstanding efforts in ensuring the message of Frank’s death reached us all in the UK . Indeed, I am humbled to be able to join you today in order to pay our respects and say farewell to one of our own.
I am sure I speak for everyone here when I say how shocked and saddened we were by the news of Frank’s untimely death. We had drawn great comfort from his presence at the Air Despatch Memorial Service only 4 weeks ago. Despite his recent illness, we fondly remember him as he proudly overlooked the Air Despatch Memorial, looking resplendent in his Air Despatch and Airborne regalia.
Frank van Den Bergh holds a very special place in the hearts of Air Despatchers throughout the world. As you all will know, it is for his tremendous work in commemorating the Air Despatchers at
I will share with you the story of a young Air Despatcher who recently made his first visit to Arnhem , only 4 weeks ago. This young man was only 20 years old and had barely heard of Arnhem , never mind understanding what had happened there. After the memorial service, he reflected on what he had just seen and said to me that suddenly ‘it all just made sense’. He had been struck by the magnitude of the effort which Frank and all of our friends in Arnhem go to in order to ensure we always remember the Air Despatchers at Arnhem . Today, we remember Frank and the special part he has played in that. We owe you a debt gratitude for ensuring their story lives on.
Indeed, Frank has carried the torch for so long and continually championed the memory of the Arnhem Air Despatchers. His passion and energy in flying the flag is an excellent example for us all to follow. We all know the greatest tribute to Frank’s memory will be to pick up the flag and continue the legacy of his work in

Frank Van Den Bergh, it only leaves me to bid you farewell.
‘Action Stations!’ ‘Red On!’ ‘Green On!’
Safe journey my friend. The name ‘Frank Van Den Bergh’ will always be remembered by Air Despatchers throughout the world.
Vaarwel en goede reis mijn vriend.
Guild of the Battlefield guides in english

When he participated in the Nijmegen Four Day Marches in the eighties, Frank had met the British Para’s, amongst whom were Captain Tony Dogeet, Ron Glancy en Mike Pety. They kept in touch for the rest of their lives and Mike Pety of 10 Para became somewhat of a Guru in Frank’s eyes. They welcomed him into their group and made him feel like he belonged. Frank completed the civilian parachutist training and was awarded the much coveted parachutist wings and red beret by the Para’s, which he wore with pride. Ron Clancy then introduced him to the Air Dispatchers. As a result of his contact with Arnhem veterans, Frank became a member of the Friends of the Airborne Museum at Oosterbeek and a much appreciated participant in their meetings.
As I’ve mentioned, Frank was a guide on battlefield tours, and he preferred military groups, which allowed him to display his ability to the fullest. When I pointed out the Guild of Battlefield Guides to him in 2008, he immediately wanted to become a member and accompany me to their meetings in England. There he met a great many like-minded battlefield guilds and felt right at home.
Every guide in the Guild is an expert in his own field, from the War of Roses in England to the Second World War and beyond. Frank’s diverse interests helped him in exchanging views about everything and getting along swimmingly with everyone. His background as a passionate war gamer helped him to gain an insight into almost every battle. His high-level and demonstrable knowledge was respected by all.
British always have a quiz as a part of such meetings. On the first meeting in Woolwich the Dutch had their own team. With Frank’s help, it was a splendid victory for the Dutch. As a result of which the Dutch were no longer allowed to have a team of their own the next year and all the teams started competing to get Frank on their team. Frank also enjoyed himself immensely when the Dutch were asked to prepare the quiz. The questions he came up with, as it turned out, were a bit too difficult for the British.
Frank also joined the Guild on their battlefield tour of the Zulu- and Boer War in South Africa last year. To no ones surprise but his own, he defeated a range of international contesters and won the South African quiz. Despite the usual mass of books and presents he bought for his family, his suitcase was allowed on the plane during the return journey without paying extra. For Frank, this tour was the zenith of his membership of the Guild.
Frank was working hard on the assignments required to receive a Guild badge, but he never had the chance to complete them. He had a stroke only days after his return from the RAF Guild weekend. In the days that followed, emails from all over the World demonstrated how in a short period of time Frank had become a highly appreciated Guild member to many.
Last week, after our Guild weekend in France, we received news that Frank had passed away.
Frank, on behalf of the Guild, Thanks
Wybo Boersma
Guild of the Battlefield guides in dutch

Zoals gezegd verzorgde Frank battlefield tours, bij voorkeur voor militair groepen. Burgergroepen vond hij eigenlijk beneden zijn kunnen. Toen ik hem in 2008 attendeerde op het bestaan van de Guild of Battlefield Guides in Engeland aarzelde hij geen moment om daarvan lid te worden en mee te gaan naar de bijeenkomsten in Engeland. Hij ontmoette een groot aantal gelijkgestemden, Frank voelde zich daar als een vis in het water. Ieder van de Guild leden is vaak expert op zijn eigen gebied dat loopt van de War of Roses in Engeland tot aan de Tweede Wereldoorlog en zelfs daarna. Door de grote verscheidenheid van interessegebieden was Frank de aangewezen man om met iedereen over welk onderwerp dan ook van gedachten te wisselen. Zijn achtergrond als enthousiast War Gamer had hem inzicht verschaft in bijna ieder veldslag waar ook ter wereld. Hij werd alom gerespecteerd door zijn parate kennis.
Britten hebben altijd een quiz tijdens hun bijeenkomsten. Bij de eerste bijeenkomst in Woolwich vormden de Nederlanders een eigen team. Met Franks hulp wonnen we dan ook glansrijk deze quiz met als resultaat dat we de volgende keer geen Nederlands team meer mochten vormen. De anderen vochten als het ware om Frank in hun groep te krijgen want dan was de kans om te winnen het grootst.
Veel plezier beleefde Frank toen de Nederlanders de quiz moesten samenstellen. Het niveau bleek echter voor de Britten wel wat hoog te liggen.
Met de Guild nam Frank het vorige jaar deel aan de Battlefield tour in Zuid Afrika met als onderwerp de Zoeloe- en Boerenoorlog. Ook hier won Frank in dit internationale gezelschap weer de Zuid Afrikaanse quiz. Ondanks de gebruikelijke hoeveelheid boeken en cadeaux voor zijn familie die hij gekocht had mocht hij toch zonder extra betaling terug met het vliegtuig. Deze tour was voor Frank wel het hoogtepunt van zijn lidmaatschap bij de Guild.
Frank was druk bezig met de assigments voor het behalen van de Guild badge maar heeft dit niet meer mogen afmaken. Daags na zijn terugkeer van de het RAF Guild weekend dit voorjaar kreeg Frank een beroerte. Uit de vele mails van “all over the World” bleek eens te meer hoe Frank in korte tijd een gewaardeerd lid van de Guild was geworden. Afgelopen week, na het Guild weekend in Frankrijk, kwam het bericht dat hij onverwacht overleden was.
Frank, on behalf of the Guild, Thanks.
Wybo Boersma
Liberation Museum in dutch
Beste familie, vrienden en collega’s van Frank,
Wat is dit zwaar hier te staan. Afscheid te moeten nemen van onze conservator, historicus, collega en jazeker: bondgenoot en kameraad. Maar behalve zwaar, wat een eer ook het adieu te mogen uitspreken namens het team van het Bevrijdingsmuseum, waarin Frank zo’n prominente rol vervulde.

Wie was Frank? Welk erfgoed laat hij na?
1. Laat ik beginnen met Frank de vakman. Natuurlijk, zijn feitenkennis is vaak geprezen. Als je hem vroeg op welke dag in de jaren ’30 en hoe laat precies de Duitsers Sudetenland bezetten, dan wist hij je dat op de minuut af te vertellen. Maar daarmee zouden we hem tekort doen. Feitenkennis is immers gelijk aan de inhoud van een telefoonboek; inzicht, begrip en wetenschap van geschiedenis gaan veel verder. En juist daar lag nog veel meer zijn kracht. Frank zocht bovendien naar de nog niet betreden paden, naar het nog onbekende. Tegels wilde hij lichten, het nieuwe ontdekken. Dat deed hij in de research bij de concipiëring van tentoonstellingen. En daarmee heeft hij enorm geholpen het museum groot te maken. We kennen de kaskrakers toch: “Voetbal in Oorlogstijd”, “Over Landmijnen en Lef”, “Liefde in Oorlogstijd”. Hij excelleerde op het terrein van militaire geschiedenis en de geschiedenis van de burger, met een toch wel een stevige voorkeur voor dat eerste. Als ik hem daarom wel eens mister Pentagon noemde zei hij: nee, ik ben geen militair complex, maar ik heb er een. Van buitenlandse militaire groepen die het museum bezochten mocht hun eigen educational officer thuis blijven, er was maar één die ze op de bus wilden hebben: Mr. van den Bergh.
2. En dan een tweede streek op dat biografische palet. Frank de travailleur. Zijn tomeloze inzet voor de museumcollectie is legendarisch. Hij beschreef in z’n eentje de 8.000 foto’s van Beeldbank WO2 en ik ben er zeker van dat alle 38.000 voorwerpen en documenten van het museum door zijn handen zijn gegaan. Voor de fameuze Liberation Route gingen we samen te keer. Wat een klus en wat een schitterend project: een co-productie met marketeers, dramaturgen en toerismedeskundigen. En voor het museum ging Frank door het vuur. Regelmatig kwam hij bij me langs om te informeren naar de bezoekersaantallen. Als hij dan hoorde dat er weer groei was dook hij fluitend en zingend het depot in. U ziet dit voor zich, toch?
3. De biografie zou niet compleet zijn zonder het hoofdstuk Frank, die warme en leuke kerel. Als er ergens nood was, was hij er als de kippen bij om te helpen, op welk vlak dan ook. Op een afstand bekeken leek hij monomaan met zijn vak bezig, van dichtbij was dat volstrekt anders en dan keek je hem regelrecht in z’n hart. En wat een humor: ik herinner me nog een autoreis naar Normandië; vanaf Nijmegen tot in Caen gaf hij op de achterbank college, vol met humor van de bovenste plank - fout en niet fout -. Met buikkrampen van het lachen arriveerden we op de plaats van bestemming. Ik zal het nooit vergeten.
Hoe fijner en rijker de herinneringen aan de degene die je zo graag mocht, des te moeilijker het afscheid. Rouw, het verscheurende verdriet is inherent aan dat dierbare. Want daar sta je dan, verbijsterd van pijn en schrik. Het leven lijkt voor anderen met fanfare door te gaan. Theoloog Dietrich Bonhoeffer zei hierover echter: “De mooie herinneringen aan degene die je verliest zijn geen doorn in het vlees, maar een kostbaar geschenk dat je meedraagt. Het is een verborgen schat, een veilig bezit waaruit je kracht en vreugde kunt putten”.
En zo wapen ik mij bij dit afscheid van Frank. Het afscheid van, zo wil ik hem blijven noemen, de MAESTRO.
Frank, je liet je eigen prachtige erfgoed achter en dat was heel veel, het zal voor altijd blijven voortbestaan. Als een cadeautje á la Bonhoeffer in onze binnenzak. Rust zacht!
Drs. Wiel P.H. Lenders
Director National Liberation Museum 1944-1945
Liberation Museum in english
Dear family, friends and colleagues of Frank,
How difficult it is to stand here to say goodbye to our curator, historian, colleague and yes also ally and friend. But apart from being difficult, what an honour to also be allowed to bid adieu on behalf of the team of the National Liberation Museum where Frank played such a prominent role.

Who was Frank? What legacy does he leave behind?
1. Let me begin with Frank the professional. Of course, his knowledge of facts has often been praised. If you asked him on which day in the ‘30’s and at what time exactly did the Germans occupy Sudetenland, he could tell you that to the minute. But this would derogate from his merits. After all factual knowledge is equal to the contents of a phone book; insight, understanding and science of history reach much further and therein lay his strength. Above all Frank searched for new pathways, for the unknown. While doing research for exhibitions he discovered new roads, hereby helping to enhance the museum enormously. We all remember the very successful exhibitions ‘Football in wartime’, ‘About landmines and courage’, ‘Love in wartime’. He excelled in the field of military and civilian history, but with a strong preference for the first. When I sometimes called him ‘mister Pentagon’, he would reply ‘No, I am not a military complex, but I do have one’. Foreign military groups visiting the museum could leave their own educational officer at home, they only wanted one person with them on the bus: mister van den Bergh.
2. And then a second brush-stroke on that biographical palette: Frank the worker. His exceptional devotion to the collection of the museum is legendary. All by himself he determined the 8.000 images of the WW2 Image Data Bank and I’m certain that all 38.000 objects and documents in the museum have been handled by him. Frank and I both worked hard on the famous Liberation Route. What a great project: a co-production of marketeers, playwrights and experts in the tourist industry.
Frank went through fire and water for the museum. He regularly came to see me to enquire about the number of visitors. If he then learned that they had increased, he happily returned to the depot whistling and singing. You can just picture him, can’t you?
3. Frank’s biography would be incomplete without the chapter Frank, the warm and funny guy. If there was an emergency he always immediately lent a helping hand. Regarded from a distance you could consider him monomanic in his profession, seen close up he was entirely different and you could see straight into his heart. And his humour: I remember a car trip to Normandy; from Nijmegen to Caen he lectured from the back seat, full of humour and wit -bad and less bad- . We arrived at our destination with stomach cramps from laughing. I will never forget this.
The finer and richer the memories of the one you were so fond of, the more painful is the farewell. Grief, intense grief is inherent in these cherished memories. For there you are, shocked and in pain. Life seems to continue happily for others. However, the theologist Dietrich Bonhoeffer stated ‘The beautiful memories of the one you have lost are not a thorn in the flesh but a precious gift, a safe possession to draw on for strength and happiness’.
And so I protect myself from this farewell to Frank. The farewell of the MAESTRO as I will continue to call him.
Frank, you leave behind a great legacy which will live on forever, like a gift in our pocket à la Bonhoeffer. Rest in peace!
Drs. Wiel P.H. Lenders
Director National Liberation Museum 1944-1945
Casus Belli in english
Speech on behalf of the Nijmegen Games club Casus Belli
on the occasion of the cremation of
Honorary member Drs. Frank van den Bergh
Beuningen, 15 october 2011
Frank was an exceptional personality. Even something down-to-earth as a chat about the weather went his way: on some Sunday June 17th we talked in Pub ‘de Fiets’, for years the lair of games club Casus Belli, about the current weather, nice and sunny, in comparison with the wether exactly so many years ago, raining cats and dogs, on the eve of the Battle of Waterloo. Sunday next week we could have talked in the same manner about the storm following the Battle of Trafalgar.
I cannot describe him better than he did himself. One day I arrived at the club with a game called Charlemagne. “Frank, the game has two sides: ‘Frank’ and ‘Chaos’”. Frank’s response: “What, that’s both me!”. Quite right, Frank, you were somewhat chaotic, but in the first place, you were Frank.
Our friendship dates back to 1971, when we met over a wargame at the national games club Ducosim, at a memorable meeting in Amsterdam with the antimilitaristic protest group ‘Onkruit’ at the door. Hence it was no coincidence that I joined the games club Casus Belli, founded amongst others by Frank, immediately after moving to Nijmegen. There I spent many Sundays with Frank, and it is there where he agreed to be the Best Man at my wedding with Annemarie.
Besides being a founding member of Casus Belli, Frank served for years as Secretary. His notes were very precise, but so slow that sending him on a Stenography course has been proposed, though it never got that far. He contributed very much to the club magazine ‘De Nieuwsbrief’. And he was there at all club activities. His blog gives a clue: the question whether someone could bring him and his wheelchair to the introduction market of the university. Hence his elevation to Honorary Member is fully deserved.
This does not end his contributions to wargaming. He was Honorary Member of Ducosin and wargame editor of club magazine ‘Spel!’, and a welcome guest and lecturer at Hexacon of the Gesellschaft für Historische Simulation in Germany. Not only did he collect wargames, he contributed as well. ‘The Devil’s Cauldron’ on the Northern part of the Battle of Arnhem has been fully checked and approved by him, both the map and the highly detailed Order Of Battle. In addition he wrote a paper on the historical background. His contribution to two Arnhem Megagames should be mentioned too.
He wasn’t a very competitive player, and he must have known it. Whether the situation was good or bad, Frank enjoyed playing. Even though he contributed a sizeable portion of the ship miniatures at our annual sea battle, he himself preferred the calmer water of reporting. Even that he did his way: with a model of Her (Dutch) Majesty’s ‘Unstoppable’, a rubber dinghy.
We will definitely also miss Frank’s immortal words on no matter what historical subject mentioned: “I’ve got a booklet on that!”. Frank, you were a formidable friend!
Niek van Diepen
Casus Belli in dutch
Rede namens de Nijmeegse Spellenvereninging Casus Belli
t.g.v. de crematie van
Erelid Drs. Frank van den Bergh
Beuningen, 15 oktober 2011
Beter dan hijzelf het deed kan ik hem niet typeren. Ooit kwam ik de club binnen met het spel Charlemagne, over de tijd van Karel de Grote. “Frank, er zijn twee partijen: ‘Frank’ en ‘Chaos’.” Frank’s antwoord: “Wàt, maar dat ben ìk allebei!”. Helemaal gelijk, Frank, je was wat chaotisch, maar vooral, je was Frank.
Onze vriendschap gaat terug tot 1979, toen we elkaar over een wargame ontmoetten bij de landelijke spellenvereniging Ducosim, tijdens een gedenkwaardige bijeenkomst in Amsterdam met de antimilitaristische actiegroep Onkruit voor de deur. Het was dan ook geen toeval dat ik direct na mijn verhuizing naar Nijmegen in 1988 op bezoek ging bij de mede door Frank opgerichte spellenclub Casus Belli, en daar vele zondagen met Frank heb doorgebracht, en waar ik Frank ook bereid heb gevonden om getuige te zijn bij mijn huwelijk met Annemarie.
Naast oprichter van Casus Belli was Frank jaren secretaris, heel precies in het notuleren, maar zo traag dat er is voorgesteld hem op een cursus Steno te sturen. Dat is er niet van gekomen. Ook heeft hij ontzettend veel bijgedragen aan het clubblad ‘De Nieuwsbrief’. En Frank was altijd present bij activiteiten. Zijn blog laat daarvan nog sporen zien: de vraag wie hem en zijn rolstoel naar de voorlichtingsmarkt van de universiteit kon brengen afgelopen introductie. Het is dus geen wonder dat hij al lang geleden tot erelid is benoemd.
Daarmee zijn zijn verdiensten voor het wargamen niet afgelopen: erelid van Ducosim en wargame-redacteur van clubblad ‘Spel!’, en welkome gast en gever van lezingen op Hexacon van de Gesellschaft für Historische Simulation in Duitsland. Hij verzamelde niet alleen wargames, hij heeft er ook aan bijgedragen. ‘The Devil’s Cauldron’ over het noordelijk deel van de Slag bij Arnhem is helemaal door hem gecontroleerd en goedgekeurd: de kaart en de zeer gedetailleerde slagorde, en hij heeft een stuk historische achtergrond geschreven. Ook zijn bijdrage aan twee Arnhem-Megagames mag genoemd worden.
Als speler was hij niet zo geweldig, en dat wist hij ook wel. Hij had altijd wel plezier in het spelen, of het nu goed ging of niet. Bij onze jaarlijkse zeeslagen bracht hij een groot deel van de scheepsminiaturen in, maar zelf zocht hij de beschutting van de verslaglegging. Ook dat ging in zijn stijl: met een model van Harer Majesteits ‘Onstuitbare’, een rubberbootje.
Wat we zeker ook zullen missen is Frank’s gevleugelde uitspraak over willekeurig welk historisch onderwerp dat ter sprake kwam: “Daar heb ik een boekje over!” Frank, je was een geweldige vriend!
Niek van Diepen
Family speech in dutch
Frank was onze oudste broer. Hij werd als eerste bij ons thuis geboren. Te vroeg, en kwetsbaar. Maar met het doorzettingsvermogen dat hem in zijn latere leven zo kenmerkte zette hij zich in om iets moois van zijn leven te maken. Hij werd daarin enorm gesteund en gestimuleerd door zijn vader en zijn moeder.
Zijn universum begon bij de deur naar de zolder, waarachter zijn grote zandtafel en zijn kamer vol met boeken school. Ons universum lag voor die deur. We leefden met elkaar en naast elkaar en dat was het toen wel. We voelden absoluut loyaliteit en verbondenheid met elkaar, maar elkaar begrijpen, dat deden we niet.
Op hoogtij dagen zagen we elkaar: huwelijken, verjaardagen, kerstmis en voor Frank was dat niet altijd een feest. Hij worstelde met zijn eigen verwachtingspatroon en met dat van zijn ouders. En hij had vaak het gevoel dat er weinig van hem deugde. Maar desondanks kwam hij altijd, loyaal en trouw.
Die loyaliteit en verbondenheid bleef en door de jaren heen breidde ons contact zich uit met vriendschap, groei van wederzijds begrip en liefde. Ook met zijn zwagers ontwikkelde hij een warme vriendschap. Hij hielp als dat nodig was met vertaalwerk, of kluswerk, en was altijd te benaderen voor hulp. Nadat onze vader overleed vervulde hij met verve de rol van enige overgebleven man in onze familie. Hij voelde die verantwoordelijkheid en speechte graag in de geest van zijn vader en genoot van die rol.
Zijn grote prime kwam toen hij oom werd. Hij genoot enorm van zijn neven en nicht. En niets was te dol. Er kwam Cola bij het ontbijt, samen Top Gear kijken, samen stoeien, samen lid worden van de spellenclub. Hij spaarde voetbalplaatjes (en zorgde voor het laatste plaatje waarmee ons album compleet werd). Als hij iets zag dat voor zijn neven en nicht leuk kon zijn kocht hij het acuut (stenen, t-shirts, messen, petjes, sjaals, brandweerpakken; hij kocht het allemaal). Als hij zo’n cadeautje dan bij je kwam brengen, stond hij bij de voordeur al te wippen op zijn schoenen en kreeg je het daar al uit die grote rugzak uitgedeeld. Hij was zelf dan ongeduldig en nieuwsgierig naar de reactie van de kinderen. Van blije kindergezichten werd Frank ook heel blij! Zo toonde hij zijn enorme kwaliteiten naar zijn neven en nichten: zijn enorme generositeit, liefde, gulheid, trouw, het vermogen om aansluiting te zoeken bij kinderen kwamen in zijn rol als oom samen.
Marieke van den Bergh
Wij, zijn 3 zussen, werden later geboren. En voor Frank zal dat wennen zijn geweest. In onze jeugd begrepen we weinig van elkaar. We leefden in gescheiden universums, die vreedzaam en soms iets minder vreedzaam naast elkaar co-existeerden.

Nadat wij allemaal het ouderlijk huis verlieten begon Frank zijn eigen leven verder vorm te geven. Op kamers aan de Hartertseveldweg. In zijn studie geschiedenis, en na zijn studie in de zoektocht naar de verdere invulling van zijn leven.
Op hoogtij dagen zagen we elkaar: huwelijken, verjaardagen, kerstmis en voor Frank was dat niet altijd een feest. Hij worstelde met zijn eigen verwachtingspatroon en met dat van zijn ouders. En hij had vaak het gevoel dat er weinig van hem deugde. Maar desondanks kwam hij altijd, loyaal en trouw.
Die loyaliteit en verbondenheid bleef en door de jaren heen breidde ons contact zich uit met vriendschap, groei van wederzijds begrip en liefde. Ook met zijn zwagers ontwikkelde hij een warme vriendschap. Hij hielp als dat nodig was met vertaalwerk, of kluswerk, en was altijd te benaderen voor hulp. Nadat onze vader overleed vervulde hij met verve de rol van enige overgebleven man in onze familie. Hij voelde die verantwoordelijkheid en speechte graag in de geest van zijn vader en genoot van die rol.
Zijn grote prime kwam toen hij oom werd. Hij genoot enorm van zijn neven en nicht. En niets was te dol. Er kwam Cola bij het ontbijt, samen Top Gear kijken, samen stoeien, samen lid worden van de spellenclub. Hij spaarde voetbalplaatjes (en zorgde voor het laatste plaatje waarmee ons album compleet werd). Als hij iets zag dat voor zijn neven en nicht leuk kon zijn kocht hij het acuut (stenen, t-shirts, messen, petjes, sjaals, brandweerpakken; hij kocht het allemaal). Als hij zo’n cadeautje dan bij je kwam brengen, stond hij bij de voordeur al te wippen op zijn schoenen en kreeg je het daar al uit die grote rugzak uitgedeeld. Hij was zelf dan ongeduldig en nieuwsgierig naar de reactie van de kinderen. Van blije kindergezichten werd Frank ook heel blij! Zo toonde hij zijn enorme kwaliteiten naar zijn neven en nichten: zijn enorme generositeit, liefde, gulheid, trouw, het vermogen om aansluiting te zoeken bij kinderen kwamen in zijn rol als oom samen.
We zullen Frank heel erg missen.
Marieke van den Bergh
Family speech in english
Frank was our older brother. He was born prematurely, and vulnerable. But with the persistence that was characteristic of him throughout his life, he set out to make something beautiful of his life. He was supported every step of the way by his father and mother.
We, his three sisters, were born later. And for Frank that must have taken some getting used to. We understood little of each other in those early years. We lived in our separate universes, coexisting peacefully, and sometimes less peacefully, within our family.

Frank’s universe started at the door to the attic, behind which was his room full of books and his large table. Our universe was on the other side of that door. We managed to live with and next to each other and that was it. We shared a bond and felt loyalty towards one another, but did not understand each other.
After we left our parental home, Frank became the master of his own life. He moved into a room at the Hatertseveldweg, studied History, and after graduation continued the search for his place in life.
We saw each other on holidays and anniversaries: marriages, birthdays, Christmas. For Frank, this wasn’t always a cause for celebration. Frank struggled with his own, and his parents expectations of himself. He often left those gatherings feeling like he wasn’t good enough. Nevertheless, he showed up every time, loyal as he was to those close to him.
That loyalty and commitment between us stayed and was strengthened ever more by friendship, mutual understanding and love. He also became a good friend to his brothers in law. He always helped them with translations, the odd job and anything else with which he could assist us. After our father died, he took on the role of leading man in the family with a great deal of passion. He felt that this was his responsibility and loved to give speeches in the style of his father.
His greatest moment was the day he became an uncle. He loved his nieces and nephews and would stop at nothing to amuse them. A glass of coca-cola for breakfast, watching Top Gear together, romping around and visiting the gaming club on Sundays. He collected football cards (and found the final card to complete our collection) and immediately bought anything that he thought his nieces and nephews would like (stones, t-shirts, knives, caps, scarves, firemen costumes, he bought it all). When he arrived with such a present, he would be rocking on his shoes at the door and would pull his latest surprise out of his large backpack while still on the doorstep. He was incredibly impatient to see the looks on the children’s faces and shared in their joy in almost equal measure. All this made him an example to his nephew and nieces: his generosity, love, loyalty and ability to connect with children all combined to make him an amazing uncle.
We will miss Frank very much.
Marieke van den Bergh
woensdag 12 oktober 2011
maandag 10 oktober 2011
Feel free to join us
Dear reader or follower of the blog. We don't have all the postal adresses to send cards to so hereby we post the funeral card. Feel invited and free to join us, wether some time this week at our house or on saturday at the funeral service. Our credo is "anything goes, nothing should" you're welcome.
On behalf of my family and Frank's closest friends,
On behalf of my family and Frank's closest friends,
zondag 9 oktober 2011
Cremation of Frank Saturday October 15th at 14.30 CET
Dear friends, the cremation of Frank is going to take place on Saturday October 15th at 14.30 hours CET. The service is to be held in the Crematorium in Beuningen, near Nijmegen.
Because Frank has so many friends it is nearly impossible to send all his friends a personal invitation. Please feel free and you're more than welcome to attend the ceremony.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact us at the telephonenumber 0031243882588.
family and friends
Because Frank has so many friends it is nearly impossible to send all his friends a personal invitation. Please feel free and you're more than welcome to attend the ceremony.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact us at the telephonenumber 0031243882588.
family and friends
Sad news : Frank died after a severe heart attack.
We are very sorry and sad that we have to inform you that our beloved son and brother Frank van den Bergh died yesterday October 8th. He enjoyed a very happy day with his dear friends in Germany (Wesel), and returned to his home at the end of the afternoon. At home he suffered a severe heart attack and died.
At the end of the afternoon October 9th he will be transferred to the house of his sister Esther: Baljuwstraat 10 in Nijmegen.
If you want to visit Frank to say goodbye you can contact Esther Meijer (phone +0031243882588, or by mail or by leaving a post on this blog).
The adress for correspondence is Baljuwstraat 10, 6525 XM Nijmegen, the Netherlands.
We are aware that Frank has lots of friends everywhere around the world. We will keep you informed of the moment and time to say goodbye to Frank. Please pass on the information of Frank to anyone close to Frank. We encourage you to join our family and his friends in mourning.
At the end of the afternoon October 9th he will be transferred to the house of his sister Esther: Baljuwstraat 10 in Nijmegen.
If you want to visit Frank to say goodbye you can contact Esther Meijer (phone +0031243882588, or by mail or by leaving a post on this blog).
The adress for correspondence is Baljuwstraat 10, 6525 XM Nijmegen, the Netherlands.
We are aware that Frank has lots of friends everywhere around the world. We will keep you informed of the moment and time to say goodbye to Frank. Please pass on the information of Frank to anyone close to Frank. We encourage you to join our family and his friends in mourning.
vrijdag 7 oktober 2011
Here is another tip on youtube for your delectation, but only if you're a Pazwe Pusher like me who qas raiaed on Panzerblit and Panzer Leaswe.. On Youtube type ub either saumur 2009, A7V or Tankfest. Then sit back and enjoy some of the tankiest tanks on the internet!!
I walkesd thisaftwernoon and my therapist was impressed Yay!
Love waits for me 'round the bend
Please watch Mary Fahl's Going home on youtube,It is beautiful and haunting. it comes from Gods and Generaks, a film biography (hagiography, actually) of DTonewall Jackson.
Friday morning
Well, I am awake now and succesfully got out of bed under my own power. Anothwe day. Tomorrow is D-Day (Duzi-Day). Roll on!
donderdag 6 oktober 2011
hust being alive, it can really hurt
Slowly i am coming toterms with what happened to me. It is a change inmy life and I must see whatvthepermanent wfects will be. We will see.
More memories; Youtube
Moyher was here and brought more herring, Yummie! we also remibisced about when I was little.From photo's I was the most scrawny, hopless runt.The doctors agreed and thought i ciuld not live anyway. Well, I've showed them. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzztoday i spend a lot of time watching youtube vids. Kate Bush,cats Mylene Farmer, all so very lovely, to say the least.I quite understand why I losr my heart.I long for Saturday.
I slept erll amd have just been awakened. Time for breakfast, methinks.
I slept erll amd have just been awakened. Time for breakfast, meyhinks.
woensdag 5 oktober 2011
Wednesday afternoon
This afternoon mum came by with a photo album from my younger days in Overveen. It brought backa lot of memories. There were photo's of the "Santa Kiriyaki", a Greek freighter thrown on the beach at Zandvoort by a stor. We went to see it. I wasafraid it would topple over on top of me. Squish! It looked really impressive, big screw, big rudder, big hull.There also were some photo's of our time in Suriname. It reminded me that we went up the Commewijne river in a boat, and on thw return leg I was both helmsman (under captain's orders)and sailor, responsible for throwing out the mooring lines when we docked. What a lovely adventure was that. There also were some pictures of my younger sisters, looking as cute as anything.I can't understand why we had so many fights. They are lovely sisters still.
ffrank on the verge of turning in.
ffrank on the verge of turning in.
Using A.B.I.
tHIS MORNING i had a shower and made a herring sandwich for breakfast. Yum! There was bo help with the herring, so I had to use my A.B.I. For those who dont know that abbreviation, it means Airborne Initiative. I often use it wwhen left to myself. The herring and a cat programme on T.V. THIS MORNING GOT ME IN TOUCH WITH MY inner kitten.
dinsdag 4 oktober 2011
Tuesday morning
I just finished my morning walk. All went well.yesterday wa;king went very well, to everyone's amazement I am curious to see how my permanent bracw will fit and how I will walk with it.
I slept well and awoke refreshed. Now I am working on new articles for Marleen. zzzzzzzzzzzWzzzzzzwe will both be happy with the result, I think. Yesterday there was not much interesting to see on T.V., so I have little or nothing to comment ( a bad sign).Yesterday, Andre sr. and Rense visited.I loved talkin=bg to them, especially Rense, who is doing real well at the Liberation Museum.I am proud that Rense is doing so well; proof I trained him properly, I'd like to think.
Acontented Frank greets you
Acontented Frank greets you
maandag 3 oktober 2011
On Sunday, Mathieu came by at 24.00 hrs to pick me up forCasus Belli. It was great to be back at the club agaib=n, and play. Twice I played king of Tokyo, a game about epic movie monsters fighting ech other in downtown Tokyo (http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/70323/king-of-tokyo). I was eliminated twicwe(curse you, Atomic Bunny and Gigasaur!).But all in all, I had a ggood time.
The game reminded me a lot of S.P.I's Creature thst ate Sheboygan and Oh no, there goes Tokyo!( http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/14410/oh-no-there-goes-tokyo) a print and play game you can find on Boardgamegeek.
yesterday evening I watched the Slavery again. it again reminded me of Suriname, and this time a not very nice memory.InParamaribo I saw some old wooden barracks, that were used as a retirement home. There were vultures sitting on the roof.Ttheyw ere waiting for the food to come out before swooping down and making off with the meat. I imagined they were feasting on the residents. As a "memento mori"they were really horrifying to this young boy! Another funny memory: When I came toParamaribi I also brought loads of homework from shool(not nice). I needed a school notebook for that, so I ambled down the street to the local Chinese Toko. These sell anything you need. Since the owner's Dutch was ceap and my chinese not much better (it hasn't improved sicw, Tense!)I was reduced to hands- and-feet explanation.I thought I was successful, but when I got homeI found out that I had gotten a notebook for making sums! So back I went and more hsn- and foot work follwed before I finally got what I needed.
One last memory: When our stay was over we flew back and I arrived at Schihol at about 23.000 hrs on a cold February night till in tropical shorts and t-shirt. It was effing cold and we still had a long way to go to Nijmegen.
Enough for now
Greetings from
OLd Colonial Frankie
The game reminded me a lot of S.P.I's Creature thst ate Sheboygan and Oh no, there goes Tokyo!( http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/14410/oh-no-there-goes-tokyo) a print and play game you can find on Boardgamegeek.
yesterday evening I watched the Slavery again. it again reminded me of Suriname, and this time a not very nice memory.InParamaribo I saw some old wooden barracks, that were used as a retirement home. There were vultures sitting on the roof.Ttheyw ere waiting for the food to come out before swooping down and making off with the meat. I imagined they were feasting on the residents. As a "memento mori"they were really horrifying to this young boy! Another funny memory: When I came toParamaribi I also brought loads of homework from shool(not nice). I needed a school notebook for that, so I ambled down the street to the local Chinese Toko. These sell anything you need. Since the owner's Dutch was ceap and my chinese not much better (it hasn't improved sicw, Tense!)I was reduced to hands- and-feet explanation.I thought I was successful, but when I got homeI found out that I had gotten a notebook for making sums! So back I went and more hsn- and foot work follwed before I finally got what I needed.
One last memory: When our stay was over we flew back and I arrived at Schihol at about 23.000 hrs on a cold February night till in tropical shorts and t-shirt. It was effing cold and we still had a long way to go to Nijmegen.
Enough for now
Greetings from
OLd Colonial Frankie
zondag 2 oktober 2011
Yesterday, Andre sr. picked me up and brought me to the birthday party of Marc Seutter. I enjoyed that, as I knewam=bout 90% of people there; mostly friends from Vasus Belli.(hereafter abbreviated CB). I took the opportunity tO yhrash out some details with Marleen, Marc's wife and long-suffering editot of the Casus Belli Newsletter. wE QUICKLY DETERMINED WHICH ARTICLES SHE ALREADY had recieved, and which must be finished quickly and sent on their way. As at thi time I am suffering from a condition of ärticle diarrhoea", writing one after another.This never was a problem in the past, but might become one in the future, if I am not careful. yut all can find my old stuff on the Vasus belli websi"(wwww.casusbelli.nk)te, under"Nieuwsbrieven"and "THe Frank Files"(now, that's a scary title).
I have just finished my breakfast herring sandwich. It tasted very good.this afternoon, I am off to CB agsin. I CAn't wait and will spend the meantime working on another article.
Greetings,all, from the working FRank
in short, we determined
I have just finished my breakfast herring sandwich. It tasted very good.this afternoon, I am off to CB agsin. I CAn't wait and will spend the meantime working on another article.
Greetings,all, from the working FRank
in short, we determined
zaterdag 1 oktober 2011
Saturday morning
Yesterday evening, to m great joy, Esthewr brought me most if the titles on my list of longing. So I awole rther happy, had a herring sandwivh (thank you, Mum, for the herring) annd am cpntentedly reading.
Greetings from
Happy chappy Frankie
Greetings from
Happy chappy Frankie
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