Thousend times thanks!

To all the followers of the blog, to anyone who has been supportive of Frank or us in the last months and especially after his untimely death we want to say thanks from the bottom of our hearts. In the week after his passing we received so much warmth, stories, care and love, hardly describable. To us it was a very precious and valuable week and it was so good to have Frank at home where so many of his friends could visit him. And all the help, stories and info shared in that week led to a beautiful goodbye ceremony on a beautiful sunny autumn day. For those of you who could not attend, or those of you who wish to reread the funeral speeches, we publice them here (in dutch and english) with some pictures in grateful memory of, and tributed to Frank.We will miss him dearly, thanks for being with him and with us, one way or another,

On behalf of my family and his closest friends, Esther

Foto's Frank

woensdag 6 april 2011

What will tomorrow bring?

Today Frank was told that he will be replaced to a nursing home tomorrow, he understood it quite well and when the nurse asked how he felt about it he replied "I'm going to meet my doom". I felt this was a typical Frank remark, but under the given circumstances it made us feel so sad. He was clearly upset by this.
So tomorrow he will be picked up by 10 AM and will arrive at Nursing home Margriet ward 3 around 10.30-11.00. For visiting hours we direct you to the website of the nursing home
We feel that it is very important for Frank that he somehow can become motivated to stay more awake. The doctors have difficulty judging his awareness. Is he really somnabulent or is he withdrawing himself, being depressed? They don't know. Since the stroke didn't kill Frank the adagium for the coming period probably will become, "If it doesn't kill you, it 'll makes you stronger". But Frank needs goals to fight for and we feel his friends and "brothers in arms" are of utmost importance to him for that. So as soon as he will be settled in the nursing home, we hope to meet you all and give as much room as possible for you all to visit him.
For example I read him the email from Greame Cooper today and he made me repeat it three times. So thanks Greame, the message clearly was supportive to him.
Today Frank asked again for some books. I haven't found the right titles yet (those of you who know his appartment will understand this and excuse me for it.....;-)) however one book I found. I talked to Matthieu tonight and wondered if we should start a readingclub for him which can be beneficial and motivating for Frank. Well we'll see, first tomorrow.....

One practical issue:
Tonight I tried to send a mail from his computer to all contacts in his contactlist, but the server kept repeating "bla bla bla error, mail not sent". So please inform people when they wonder why they don't get answers and redirect them to the blog.

Oh yeah and I've added a translator tool, easy for everyone!

So that's it for now, goodnight, and keep sending mails and posts,
Love from us all,

4 opmerkingen:

  1. I visited Frank on the evening of the 6th. He was still sleeping and woke up 10 minutes later. He recognized me immediately, but was obviously very tired. We did not have much of a conversation, but just before I left he asked me if I could bring him his Knoetel uniform books. I promised him I would take it up with his sisters.
    For what it's worth, I take that as a sign that he is taking interest in things again and maybe that (when he is awake) he is a little bored.


  2. Dear Frank,
    For the moment, this looks like the only route open for me to send you a message. There are probably many of us, like me, reading this blog hoping you will continue to inspire us with your insights into history.
    Hope you get back into your books very soon and find a way to get back in touch with all your friends, those close and those like me far away.
    Best wishes,
    Daniel T Shaw

  3. "Today Frank was told that he will be replaced"
    I can not help but chuckle at some of the results of translating Dutch phrases into English. I can understand why Frank did not welcome being replaced.

    I'm thrilled to hear that Frank no longer needs a low-stimulus environment. That's a step forward for Frank and I think we've all been frustrated by how little support we could offer Frank in the last few days.
    I thought it might interest you all to know that you can visit Frank between 10 am and 10 pm at Margriet.

  4. He rense, you so quite right, fortunately for frank we told him in dutch, of course i meant transferred, what an awsome slip of the pen, thaks for correcting me!!!!
