Thousend times thanks!

To all the followers of the blog, to anyone who has been supportive of Frank or us in the last months and especially after his untimely death we want to say thanks from the bottom of our hearts. In the week after his passing we received so much warmth, stories, care and love, hardly describable. To us it was a very precious and valuable week and it was so good to have Frank at home where so many of his friends could visit him. And all the help, stories and info shared in that week led to a beautiful goodbye ceremony on a beautiful sunny autumn day. For those of you who could not attend, or those of you who wish to reread the funeral speeches, we publice them here (in dutch and english) with some pictures in grateful memory of, and tributed to Frank.We will miss him dearly, thanks for being with him and with us, one way or another,

On behalf of my family and his closest friends, Esther

Foto's Frank

dinsdag 30 augustus 2011

Airborne march, coming weekend.

Dear all,

I just talked to Frank about the Airborne march, coming weekend. Frank and I ,and my two kids, will be going to Oosterbeek at around 8:15 hours, and we expect to arrive there around 9:15 hours. I plan on dropping Frank off at the start, park the car and then enter us as individuals for the 10 km march, after which we will probably start at about 10:15 hours. If there are any others who would like to help me push the wheelchair, and spend a few hours with Frank, do some light walking, enjoy the scenery, and watch lots of people, then Frank will be waiting for you at the beginning of the admission stands from about 9:15 hours until 10:00 hours. My kids and I will also be there.
Hope to see you there.

Louis Kolkman

3 opmerkingen:

  1. Hallo Louis op welke dag is het? Zaterdag of Zondag? Laat me even weten, groet Marieke

  2. Zaterdag, frank en louis willen omstreeks 9.00 in arnhem zijn. Ze gaan vijf km lopen, misschien is het wel wat voor sef en bram (makkie na de avond vierxaagse) en frank moet geduwd worden en dat kunnen de neefjes ook heel goed
    Kus ep

  3. Het wordt toch de 10, want de 5 is niet meer. En we hoeven het niet in 2 uur te doen...
    Verder is het vertrek in Oosterbeek pas rond 11:00 uur, want een vriend van Frank kan dan ook meelopen. En Sef en Bram zijn van harte uitgenodigd om mee te lopen. Hoe meer zielen, hoe minder zwaar het duwen van de rolstoel...
    En mijn zoon en dochter lopen ook mee (zoon van 10 en dochter van 8jr)
