Thousend times thanks!

To all the followers of the blog, to anyone who has been supportive of Frank or us in the last months and especially after his untimely death we want to say thanks from the bottom of our hearts. In the week after his passing we received so much warmth, stories, care and love, hardly describable. To us it was a very precious and valuable week and it was so good to have Frank at home where so many of his friends could visit him. And all the help, stories and info shared in that week led to a beautiful goodbye ceremony on a beautiful sunny autumn day. For those of you who could not attend, or those of you who wish to reread the funeral speeches, we publice them here (in dutch and english) with some pictures in grateful memory of, and tributed to Frank.We will miss him dearly, thanks for being with him and with us, one way or another,

On behalf of my family and his closest friends, Esther

Foto's Frank

vrijdag 1 juli 2011

Ipad is binnen

Hey, guys, the ipad arrived and i am very impressed thank you all very much. I can now blog in bed. Yesterday i was foolish enough to watch help, my man has a hobby. Another poor man was to be broken of his hobby. It reminded me when my mother tried to break me, back in the airfifx stage of my youth. She failed completely and I am proud of that! Wargames rule, yours.


2 opmerkingen:

  1. Finally paying attention to spelling and puncuation, are we? ;-) Thank you, Frank, it makes your blog posts much easier to read. And it should help in fooling people to think you're not as nutty as we all really know you are. Mwahahahah!

    Re. "Help mijn vriend heeft een vrouw", I mean "mijn man heeft een hobby": apart from the questionable entertainment value of the programme, though, how sad can it be to take away from your significant other something he loves? Though I suspect we're talking the extrteme hobbies here - stripping and rebuilding engine blocks in the middle of the living room, rebuidling the house every three years (or still not having finished the rebuild he started 15 years ago) etc.

    Walter Zed

  2. I much prefer your name for that show, Walter. Spouses that want to change a perfectly good nerd are the ones that should be the point of focus, not the passionate man with a hobby.

    I'm assuming the IPad makes for easier typing, Frank? The things technology can do.
